You Don't Need to be a Doctor to Invest in Healthcare Real Estate
Many people who look at dental office sales do so because they want to be the lead dentists at their own practice. However, there is another group that finds these sales very exciting: investors. Healthcare real estate is one of the hottest sectors in the property industry, and the interest isn't limited to hospitals and health clinics. Pretty much any property related to health care currently has high value.
For an investor, the goal isn't to be an active practitioner of dentistry or other health care. As with other investments, the goal is to make money. Investors may hire dentists and support staff to provide the actual services to patients. Alternatively, they may simply lease out the facilities that they've purchased and let someone else have complete control of the actual dental practice. The latter method is the most hassle-free way for an investor to get an ROI from an investment in healthcare real estate.
As with other real estate, one of the best ways to find opportunities is to work with a broker. One that specializes in dental office sales will guide investor clients to the offerings that are most likely to return a good ROI right away. It is worth the brokerage fee when this guidance saves countless hours of searching and research. Many investors work with brokers to obtain these and other benefits.
In and around Arizona, contact Frye Practice Sales & Healthcare Real Estate. They focus on dental offices, so they can offer expert advice about which ones are the most suited for investors. Of course, they also work with people who are dentists and want to move up to owning their own practices. This makes Frye a great choice for anyone who wants to buy a dentist's office.